Reach us at
Join us on June 7th following Sunday worship
for our 2020 Annual Meeting.
Zoom link:
Our meeting will be led by the Board of Trustees, with Board President Bill Hackett serving as Parliamentarian.
For a copy of the budget, please email Heide Cottam.
Agenda is as follows:
Opening & Welcome
Call to Order​
Opening Reading & Chalice Lighting
Confirmation of Parliamentarian
Rules of Conduct Review
Establish quorum (20%) required ​
Voting is reserved for members only; friends and visitors may speak on any issue
Minutes will be recorded and published
Expressions of Gratitude from the Board ​​​
President's Report ​
Worship in the Time of Pandemic & Beyond
Board of Trustees Candidates
Introduction of Current Trustees ​
Presentation of candidate nominees; vote required
Second term election: Bill Hackett​
First term election: Heather Root
Budget Presentation & Discussion ​​
Summation of current year ​
Presentation of proposed FY2020-2021 budget; vote required
Open Forum for Member Discussion ​
Closing & Adjournment
Closing Reading & Chalice Extinguishing​